Dear Parents,
As we enter the second nine weeks, please take a moment to check your child's school supplies. Your child needs paper, pens (navy blue and black) pencils, erasers, and possibly a new binder or two. Please check the condition of your child's binder to determine if the rings are in good condition. On Monday evening, please help your child clean out his or her English binder, so that we can have a fresh start for the second nine weeks. Also, if you haven't sent in tissues or hand sanitizer to your homebase teacher, please take this opportunity to send in three boxes of tissues. The amount we have will not sustain our students through the winter cold and flu season. Spring and allergies are just around the corner, too!

We seem to have come through the hurricane without too much trouble. For the entire week, please review the study guide. The question styles are similar to question styles on the nine weeks test. Even though the reading selections are different, the skills are the same.
The nine weeks test has been moved to Monday. Please be prepared. We will be reviewing the study guide on Wednesday and Thursday in class.
Our class will visit the IMC on Wednesday to insure that students have an opportunity to take last-minute AR quizzes, check out new books, or renew any library books that they have currently checked out. All students should have library books with them during exams so they can read if they finish before the end of the time allotted. Stay dry! Happy Hallowe
Monday - We are writing an essay in class, so the only homework is to read 20 minutes of AR.
Tuesday - We are taking a mock SOL multiple choice test in class, so the only homework is to read 20 minutes of AR.
Wednesday - We are completing our essay in class today, so the only homework is to read AR.
Thursday - Thursday is our library day, so (no surprise) read AR tonight.
Friday - Today is our PAT day, so again for the weekend, read AR.